Guild Wars: God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

I bet when I check this will be my rarest Guild Wars 2 title.

Well after almost nineteen years I guess I can say I finished Guild Wars. My Mesmer was 496 hours old, having replaced my original main character a Monk several years ago. The final hard mode mission I did was the Eternal Grove, I remembered it being really difficult so I was going to get a friend to help me with it but I decided to try it when it became the final mission and I did it first try.

I think the worst part was definitely Vanquishing + Cartographer, they synergised but were the worst of the grinds. Not sure I have any other objectives I’d like to accomplish on Guild Wars, other than perhaps still feeling like I need to make a new Legendary Defender of Ascalon and then never leave Pre-Searing again.

Worth 50 achievement points in Guild Wars 2!

Guild Wars 2: Legendary Armour & Relic

7 legendaries in a day… feeling quite accomplished.

Well I managed it, – a few minutes after midnight for the last piece – frustratingly I ended up doing Amnytas an hour before the patch and then doing it again afterwards to unlock the pre-cursor. I feel like I’ll work on the other weights but I might take a bit of a break, I feel like I’ve spent months farming in Guild Wars 2.

Guild Wars: My Guild Hall Smells of Rich Mahagany

If only I’d had the foresight to swap mains sooner, then I’d be done!

Legendary skill hunter complete, despite having fewer skills the Tyrian version probably took the longest. I also captured all of the new PvE anniversary skills which definitely saved me some time. So to wrap up God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals all I have left to do is to recomplete Legendary Guardian, I recall only a small number of missions being tricky so hopefully won’t take too long.

Guild Wars 2: Legendary Armour Stock Take

Ok so I just hit 72 Amalgamated Kryptis Essences which always appeared to be the biggest part of the grind to me. So it’s stock take time, I have 31 days if I wanted to get Obsidian Armour day one of the next patch, would be nice but probably won’t quite happen. I still haven’t even decided which weight class to go for. My main has been Engineer since the beginning but Ranger and Thief are some of my least played alts, I also have about five ascended armour sets for medium armour, where as I play all my light armour alts at various times, but from the teasor I like the appearence of the heavy armour the most and I regularly play my Guardian and Revenant alts, on the flip side the raid legendary armour I like best is also the heavy one. Anyway stock take!

Primary ComponentSecondary ComponentAmount / ProgressNotes
Gift of Mighty/Magical ProsperityGift of Craftsmanship6/6I have plenty of Provisioner Tokens even after crafting the Legendary Sigil
Mystic Clovers1/54This is one of the places where crafting the Legendary Sigil hit me. There will be presumably 20 more clovers in the next refresh of the Astral Armoury, So I need to get 33 clovers.
Gift of Condensed Might/Magic0/6This was 2/6 and nearly up to 4/6 but again the Legendary Rune.
Gift of Research3/6I have about half the research notes I need and am aproaching my 4th stack of luck.
Gift of ExpertiseAmalgamated Kryptis Essences72/72Months of work but done!
Eldritch Scroll6/6I did have a period of low spirit shards but I think the Aurene Sword varients were to blame.
Obsidian Shards300/300Technically I haven’t converted the currencies but I have an abundence of currencies I can convert into shards.
Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy6/6Strictly again I don’t have them but I will just salvage an ascended armour set of the weight I decide on.
Gift of Stormy SkiesGift of the Astral Ward0/6I need to do some more map completions.
2/6 on Skywatch
1/6 on Amnytas
As for the currencies I have plenty of them all except for Unusual Coins, I need to go alt parking.
Case of Captured Lightning11/30I do have enough spare Static Charges that I could buy another 6 but if I’m going to have to do the metas then it’s not much trouble to do one more.
Pouch of Stardust8/30The only one I don’t have spare map currency for. Prior to convergences I did try and do the metas but convergences seemed to take priority for me.
Clot of Congealed Screams12/30I feel like I should prioritise this one incase the meta gets extended. I have enough gasps to buy another 8 though if it comes to it.
Arcanum of Astral ArmorAstral ArmourAll six are on 3/4Completely up to date, just need the final items.
Really hoping they don’t take Amalgamated Kryptis Essences…

February 11th Update

I am really sick of waiting for Lyhr to open a door.

Nearly everything is done now, I still need just under 300 unusual coins, and then 10-14 of the 250 map currency/meta reward items. I should have everything ready for the patch day, though it’s unrealistic to imagine I’d be able to complete the whole of the legendary armour on the first day, what with 6 map completions and whatever the new armour’s requirements are, though I do have six spare amalgated kryptis essences just in case. The end is in sight!

February 26th Update

Ok, unusual coins done, cases of captured lightning done, clots of congealed screams done… Two pouches of stardust to go, though I have 2000 pinches of stardust. As I said before, I doubt I’ll be able to complete the six map completions and unlock the pre-cursors in a day, if I do then I will exchange the star dust. Following the preview of the armour I’ve decided to go with medium, I think it looks the best and it just feels right.

Guild Wars 2: Legendary Rune

I wonder, how many Legendary Runes will be made today…?

I wonder what could have possessed me to make a legendary rune all of a sudden?

I feel like it was probably worth it… hopefully worth it.

In other news I am very close to having done what I would like to think is the grindiest part of the legendary armour, I am up to 66 out of 72 Amalgamted Kryptis Essences. I will do a stock take of where I am when I get to 72, although I did just use up the gifts of might and magic that I had ready, that might set me back a bit!

2024 Games Played

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

I like to think Majora thought, “I’m in danger!”

I usually play Super Metroid on New Year’s Eve but I did a 100% run not that long ago so I decided to break with tradition. I had recently become aware of a mod for Majora’s Mask 3DS which fixed a lot of the issues I had with the 3DS version (plus better textures), so I gave it a try. I would say it’s the best version of the game, all the quality of life from the 3DS with proper Zora swimming, Deku Scrub water hopping, etc. This morphed into a 100% run, most of my Majora runs have been near 100%, though I had never collected all the heart pieces before. Anyway, still a fantastic game and my favourite Zelda game.

Snowboard Kids

I didn’t buy the special 3 board out of principle.

I finally managed to find a cable to get my N64 to work with modern TVs, Majora’s Mask seems to have ignited a desire to replay that era of games in me. I definitely think there was an element of rose tinted glasses but I still love Snowboard Kids, let me just call the computer a cheating bastard, the other racers will only target you and I swear they speed up, even racing flawlessly with Tommy on the starboard they can keep up. I think Quicksand Valley took me the longest to come 1st in, I don’t want to know how many times I was 1st for most of the three laps to then get slaughtered on the final stretch of lap 3. I do wish it had more levels, I should really give the sequel a try.

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

Now they’d make for great Yugioh cards…

Honestly, I can believe just how much of the game I remembered, the only bit I was hazy on and was a bit unsure on was the section between the third and fourth dungeons. I had a lot of fun even if the camera and controls are a bit clunky. I do wish I could go back in time though and tell my younger self about the special moves in the impact battles. I collected all the fortune dolls for the first time (I’m sensing this might be a very completionist year). There’s still a lot I don’t understand about this game but I enjoy the humour, and it’s another game that has a sequel I haven’t played.

The Walkign Dead

Fomar will remember that.

I played the third and fourth seasons, it’d been a long time since I played the first two but I don’t think it mattered. I also couldn’t carry forward all my choices but I don’t think it actually mattered that much the game compensated by letting me choose some past decisions. I had fun with it for the most part, the combat sections in the final season were seldom fun. Narratively I enjoyed it besides some hiccups – e.g. I had always supported David and Gabe, and always rejected Kate which made the stuff with David in episode five really seem out of character.

Guild Wars 2: HOPE

Quip would have been easier.

This has set my work towards making Obsidian Armour back a bit. I think it’s very cool, love the footfalls. The most painful things this time were once again waiting for Orr’s events and gathering airship oil from Verdant Brink. Still it’s done, Quip was one of the options from the starter kit but I don’t like it, of the weapon types in the starter kit the only one I don’t have currently is Scepter, I don’t mind Meteorlogicus but I think I prefer Xiuquatl. I’ll probably leave the kit until I have one of every legendary weapon and then use it to make a second sword or pistol. The next kit is likely to be dissapointing as well; I subscibe to the theory that the first two kits will have the eight weapon types corresponding to each professions new weapon. If so, then shortbow will be the only type I don’t have and The Dreamer is an abomination. I also found Frostfang, so I guess the kit will end up being saved until such a time as I want a second Mace.

Of the remaining legendary weapon types here’s my preferences (bold and strikethrough indicates strong preferences);
• Dagger; Claw of the Khan-Ur, Aurene, Incinerator
• Scepter; Xiuquatl, Meteorlogicus, Aurene
• Torch; Flames of War, Aurene, Rodgort
• Longbow; Pharus, Kudzu, Aurene
• Shortbow; Chuka and Champawat, Aurene, The Dreamer

Still I should probably resist the temptation of legendary crafting for a bit and concentrate on the upcoming Obsidian Armour, at present I have Astral Ward Armour unlocked and eight amalgamated essences out of seventy-two. I’m hoping the new masteries and legendary rifts will speed up the essences, I also hope the next armour which will undoubtedly be required for the pre-cursors doesn’t recquire any essences. I guess we’ll find out next month.

Oops I dropped it, BOOM
Blame the Aetherblades I will
Shame ’bout Lion’s Arch

Guild Wars ~ 50/50

I think Skill Hunter also has a triple map monument, don’t think there is a fifth though.

All done with Vanquishing and Cartography. What I had left wasn’t hard but wasn’t fun either. GWAMM does feel within reach now, I am on 22/30 maxed titles. By far the easiest eight titles would be the Skill Hunter and Guardian titles, hopefully won’t take too much longer.

Champion of the Gods is now my rarest title in Guild Wars 2, seems silly (previously it was Fatebreaker).

Will feel weird to never again check the Hall of Monuments Calculator, having said that it’s been broken for a while now.

Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

I find it weird how few Path of Fire points I have left when I don’t recall ever struggling for them, unlike the Icebrood Saga.

Let me start by saying just how much I enjoyed the expansion. There will be spoilers in this post so stop here if that’s something you’d like to avoid. I thought they handled Zojja’s return really well, I had always felt not having her rejoin us during the Kralkatorrik arc was a mistake especially with Snaff’s appearence but what they did worked. I liked most of the new characters R’tchikk, Lyhr, and Mabon particularly. Like a lot of people I feel it was a shame to reintroduce a Mursaat and then kill them off so quickly, I also found it strange they had all of the Elder races except the Forgotten, but there was a lot of in game talk about Vaas so maybe something will come of that.

Gameplay wise I did find the expansion a bit minigame-y, I enjoy Guild Wars 2 combat system but it felt like a significant number of events were very minigame heavy – or perhaps the minigame events went on too long, then there are the chests which I hardly ever bother to open anymore. I liked the Skyscale (and Griffon) additions, I’m looking forward to the next time I’m in Heart of Thorns areas to see how this impacts them, I’m not a fan of the rifts but I am going to stick out doing my weekly rifts in the hope that it’ll at least get me on the path to legendary armour. I enjoyed both the strike missions, I joined blind runs which were all welcome, feeling emboldened I finally did more of the Icebrood Saga strikes afterwards. I’m ok with the daily reward system rework but I am sad I was exactly one day short of the chest of loyalty. I do think there’s room for improvement e.g. having a choice on daily achievements, potions of PVP/WvW reward track progress could be added to the rewards, etc. So far I have the Griffon skin and 2/3 of the sanctified armour skins, after that I feel almost obligated to get the legendary chest but the only legendary I like in it is the Scepter but at the same time I prefer the gen 2 scepter. I might just get it for the gift of might/magic as that would be 200 gold of materials saved. I’ll probably grab the clovers and gold, beyond that I’m not sure.

So my goal for the expansion is to make a set of legendary armour, and probably a legendary relic. My only concern is the amount of Kryptis Essences, though one set of weeklies did provide enough for one amalgamated essence, of which I need six for the Astral Ward armour, beyond that it’s a little less clear. I need to look into how motivations work, hopefully it won’t be as grindy as it seems or maybe the grind will be made easier in future updates *fingers crossed* – wish me luck!

Guild Wars ~ 49/50

Over 70 minutes of clicking, 8500 double clicks

Found someone selling 10,000 Sweet and Drunken points. My poor stash of ectos is nearly completely depleted but two more titles down. I have just under 25% to go on cartographer and 33 more maps to vanquish until 50/50, probably going to be a little while until then.

Also made a small start on Skill Hunter, capped the 10 anniversary skills and all of the Mesmer and Elementalist core elites. Thus far it seems like it won’t be too onerous, I was a bit worried about skill points given how much I’d used my legionaire summoning stone but I forgot about the experience you get for capturing an elite, so panic over and I can continue to spam my summoning stone.

Anyway Secrets of the Obscure is tomorrow so Guild Wars is probably going to have to wait a bit before I finally wrap up.