Pokemon: Isle of Armor

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbDYXcJXsAI6NvI?format=jpg&name=largeI didn’t even know marks existed before I got the mark charm.

So I finished the Isle of Armor a couple of days ago. I really enjoyed it, the actual Isle is the best area of any Pokemon game I have played ever. The caves are more interesting, than the two or three caves/mines already in the game; elevation is actually used well in them. I love how the areas are connected via different caves, streams, small openings, the Isle of Armor is definitely a better reinterpretation of what they wanted to do with the wild area.

Storywise it was ok, a fighting dojo is not something I would be interested in but like I said it was ok. Is it worth £13.50? Maybe, I’d definitely rather pay £13.50 than another £40 for a second game with a couple of new areas. I was more interested in the Crown Tundra as an area, so I now have high hopes.

As for what they’re revealing tomorrow, it feels like something related to Gen 2, I did initially think it could be a Colosseum remake, gen 2 are largely missing from Sword and Shield and the shadow Pokemon list is virtually all gen 2. I do accept though that Gold Silver remakes, probably Let’s Go style would make sense and are more likely. They have all the Kanto resources from Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee already so it does make sense to do them back to back before moving onto Diamond and Pearl. If it is another Let’s Go, then my money is on Pichu and Togepi and I think they’ll hatch from the mystery egg and you’ll start with the regular starter. Guess we’ll find out tomorrow.

Illy needs to eat a mushroom, dream of being a racoon and then flip the world upside down to win

Another browser game that will go ignored!

So theme roulette 3 happened and I made a card game for it. The game page on RMN explains the rules but it might just be easier to play it. It looks more complicated than it actually is. A game should take maybe five minutes, I had originally thought about having an opponent and multiple decks and you played against the computer but I had a week and those were only ever pipe dreams. Anyway I hope you enjoy it.
