Guild Wars 2: Prismatic Champion’s Regalia

Still a bit weird we didn’t need to redo Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire.

So it’s been a while but real life has been busy; bought my first house, caught covid, was very ill with covid, still enduring long covid, though the doctor gave me an inhaler a couple of weeks ago and it is helping a lot.

Anyway on to Guild Wars, had a great time with Seasons of the Dragons, finished yesterday. I replayed it with a friend, I made a new Guardian and did season three onwards with him. I also made a new Necromancer and a new Revenant in that time, really enjoying Scourge and Renegade. I did make a second legendary sigil in that time but I didn’t think it was news worthy. I’m thinking I might try and make Eureka next before End of Dragons but I’m low on clovers so it might not happen. I did like Mechanist and I am quite bored of Holosmith, it’ll be weird having no tool belt, some skills will be straight up unusable without it, but the change of pace will be nicer on my main.