Games of the Week (23rd July – 29th July)

World of Warcraft
Well they finally hotfixed the leveling, I finished Howling Fjord which took me up to 65. So still 15 levels to go and then the final levels go so much quicker. Feeling hopeful I can get it done before BFA launches.

Guild Wars 2
Still haven’t finished mastering the roller beetle, I’ve spent most of my time working through the festival content. It’s nice to see the pavillion back after four years. I’m enjoying the gauntlet much more than I remember.

Octopath Traveler
Didn’t play a lot but found the thief and completed his intro stuff. Just need to decide who to go for next.

Other Games
Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Games of the Week (16th July – 22nd July)

World of Warcraft
Completed a couple more zones on my Mage and currently am at 60. Tanaris and Feralas didn’t quite get me to 60 so I made a start on Howling Fjord, then the patch hit and everything became worse. My fire shield went from taking a few hits to taking one hit and I do even less damage percentage wise. So I took a break from WoW and am hoping it gets fixed.

Octopath Traveler
I chose the apothacary for my main and so far I’m really impressed with the game, I fear it may become a bit too grindy but am loving a lot of the features. In particular I like how BP works in battles.

Other Games
Guild Wars 2

Legion Experience: The Orders

So the order halls were one of the original main features of the expansion and played a huge part in the beginning of Legion. On the whole I loved them, I really enjoyed the focus on class fantasy but not all of them were created equal. Here I’m going to go through the order halls and rank them by how much I enjoyed them.

12th: Hunter – Unseen Path
Order Hall: Trueshot Lodge
Perks: A few extra flight paths I never used and being able to fly over High Mountain without being attacked by eagles.
As far as I am aware this is one of the orders that was completely new to legion. The story was really dull as well, you stop a new type of Felhunter that is really strong against mages from causing havoc in Dalaran. Felt like this one was done as quickly as possible, your final mission even takes place in the Violet Hold. The only saving grace was that you get a couple of cool champions like Hemet and Rexxar.

11th: Warrior – Valarjar
Order Hall: Skyhold
Perks: Flashy entrances.
I feel like I would have enjoyed this more had it not been so Valajar heavy, when we were defending the keepers and assisting them against the legion the story was good and enjoyable. When we were committing suicide on the broken isles it was neither.

10th: Monk – Order of the Broken Temple
Order Hall: Temple of Five Dawns (the Wandering Isle)
Perks: None
Monks already had an order hall effectively, so for Monks the story begins with the destruction of Serenity’s Peak and it has to be one of the strongest openings to any of the campaigns. Sadly from there it goes way downhill, with our ultimate goal being to make the ultimate brew. It also struggles for champions besides Chen and Li Li, I guess because of how few non-panderan monks there are in lore. However it does have one of the nicest order halls, revisiting the wandering isle was definitely a highlight.

9th: Mage – Tirisgarde
Order Hall: Hall of the Guardian
Perks: Teleport to order hall
This one felt very Mage-y, and we spent the campaign effectively saving Dalaran which was themantic, perhaps I would have enjoyed it more if I had played it sooner – it felt like everyone was saving Dalaran. Some of the characters we met during the campaign were cool though.

8th: Paladin – Knights of the Silver Hand
Order Hall: Sanctum of Light (hidden beneath Light’s Hope Chapel)
Perks: None
This one felt like it had the most missed opportunities, with the finale being shared with the Priests and also the complete lack of Death Knights. Also I feel like the story did a diservice to the non-light Paladins, had I been playing a Sunwalker I would probably have been quite dissapointed. I think I would have enjoyed it more had we been announced the leader of a new organisation which merged the old organisations into one, rather than simply having everyone join the Silver Hand. Otherwise besides the ending I quite enjoyed the campaign. Also now I’m expecting Night Elf paladins in the future.

7th: Rogue – The Uncrowned
Order Hall: Hall of Shadows (Dalaran Sewers)
Perks: None
The order hall being in the sewers not withstanding, Rogues have quite a cool spy story going on, you have to infiltrate the some of the capitols and assassinate various targets. In the end you save Mathias Shaw and the SI:7.

6th: Priest – Conclave
Order Hall: Netherlight Temple
Perks: None
I’m pretty sure I’m biased due to Alonsus Faol being the leader, my original character was a forsaken priest and I’ve always loved priests. The campaign is largely what you would expect from Priests.

5th: Demon Hunter – Illidari
Order Hall: Fel Hammer
Perks: None
I don’t think you can say you have had the full legion experience without having played through the Demon Hunter campaign. You lead the elite Demon Hunters in conquering a legion world, retrieve the sargerite keystone and complete a load of stuff for Illidan.

4th: Shaman – Earthern Ring
Order Hall: Heart of Azeroth (Maelstrom)
Perks: Some mini-games and you get to meet the Hearthstone Murloc Shaman
In theory we united the elemental lords to fight with us against the legion, in practice it felt like a second half to the cataclysm expansion. If you like Shaman odds are you’ll enjoy it, I certainly did. On top of that Shamans had one of the coolest order halls and you get to lead one of the oldest in game organisations.

3rd: Warlock – Council of the Black Harvest
Order Hall: Dreadscar Rift
Perks: None
Probably biased for a whole set of reasons but I absolutely loved the campaign story. Like the Illidari you take over a Legion world and you also enslave powerful demons including a past raid boss. My only complaint is that I have to go to the sewers to get there. Couldn’t we get some other Warlocks to summon us? Or at least couldn’t they have put the entrance somewhere easier to get to? Another minor complaint, your followers are the wrong specs!

2nd: Druid – Cenarion Circle
Order Hall: Dreamgrove
Perks: Lots of portals.
This really felt like it led straight into the Emerald Nightmare in parts so lore wise it was quite cool Also you get to relive some of the war of the ancients which was fun to see.

1st: Death Knight – Knights of the Ebon Blade
Order Hall: Acherus
Perks: None
I doubt this is a surprise to anyone who has played through it. Death Knights work with(/for?) the Lich King and rebuild the four horsemen, our final mission has us actually attack Light’s Hope and the Paladins to try and raise Tirion as the final horseman. All in all it was for me the strongest campaign.

Games of the Week (9th July – 15th July)

World of Warcraft
I think I am finally done with the Mage Tower, I completed an additional five challenges for a total of 15. Tuesday night I decided for some reason that it would be nice to have the Ashbringer challenge appearence – just in case I ever want to play Paladin. My Paladin was basically a 110 who had just gotten his class mount. After some LFR (with not one drop), two sets of weeklies, a few world quests and some emissionaries I managed to scrape some gear together to give it a go. I had beaten the God Queen’s Fury twice before so I expected it to be quite straight forward, it was horrendous. In the end I got into a rhythm of doing one a day. Survival hunter was first, second was Marksmanship although I started out trying for Shadow Priest which I eventually completed the day after. Then I was left with Retribution which I feel like I spent most of saturday doing given that an attempt could last ten minutes. Finally this morning with the help of some new addons I conquered restoration (druid). With the upsetting news that Karazhan is being fixed I also started more seriously levelling my Mage. I went from 40 to 48 doing Felwood and 48 to 51 doing Winterspring. I’ve got until Tuesday night if I want to save hours levelling but I need to get to 71/72 first. I’m not sure if I’ll make it, 50 to 80 is just so slow. It would be great to finally finish my Mage off and get all 12 classes to 110 before BFA but right now it feels like a way off.

Guild Wars 2
I finally did some more of the newest chapter, but not a lot. In more productive news a friend and I completed our roller beetle collections. The roller beetle seems cool and a fun addition to the mounts. Not sure how much I’ll use him but he is really adorable.


Legion Experience: The Mage Tower (Part 1)

So I’ve just finished what is almost certainly my last Mage Tower, so it seems like now would be a good time to write this blog post. I ignored the Mage Tower for quite a while when it first came out and only really got around to seriously trying it after 7.3.5 when I had finished most of my alts (sorry Mage). In the end I really enjoyed most of them. I was quite under geared when I first tried my first challenge and it was really off putting. In fact I had intended to just do the one for my main spec and then ignore them but then I ended up doing a second one and then I really wanted to complete all three challenges on my Warlock. After that I decided I really wanted the bear form. Once I had that it was like the flood gates were opened.

To start with I decided I would try and do all the Druid challenges and also Enhancement Shaman and Shadow Priest. After a point I realised there was one challenge none of the characters I planned to complete the Mage Tower with would end up doing. So I added Survival Hunter to my planned list. In the end I completed 15 Mage Tower challenges. I typically would end up completing the other challenges (bar healing) for the classes that I geared. I also decided I would quite like to do Retribution right before the final weekly reset before the Tower closed forever.

Anyway here are my characters with their weapons in the order I did them, sadly I didn’t screenshot my Warlock’s weapons at the time.

1. Destruction
Item level: ~900 might have been a bit lower
Tries: ~20
I’ve grown to love the appearence but originally I really wasn’t keen especially with it being so different to the rest of the appearences. All I remember was trying to time my Infernals to land at the exact right moment to interrupt when all my other interrupts were on cooldown and then the next time they were on cooldown I had to use fear which was even harder to time. I ended up swapping it around and doing fear first as then I lost sooner if I mistimed it.

2. Affliction
Item Level: ~920
Tries: Not sure, I think I did 3-5 tries before I found the ring and then 5-8 tries once I had the ring.
I was really lucky to get the ring, had I have not got the ring I might never have completed it and then wouldn’t have done Demonology and everything else since.

3. Demonology
Item Level: ~930
Tries: 8-10
I had heard this was one of the hardest challenges, all of the 36/36 things I read put it as one of the hardest. So it was almost a pleasent surprise, I think it took me five goes at 930 and it wasn’t too bad, there was just that one section between 3:30 and 4:00 where everything happens at once. Once I got past that I completed the challenge.

4. Guardian
Item Level: 920
Tries: ~20
The first phase was way harder, I think I thought Kruul five or six times, three of which ended with him being on <5% HP. Which was infuriating at the time.

5. Feral
Item Level: 925
Tries: 6
I had intended to restoration next (I kept intended to do it next) but I wasn’t sure I would use the staff where as Feral gave a new transformation. So I decided to do Feral, a relic titan forged (which in hindsight I wish I’d used on the Restoration artifact) so it was a push to choose. After dying to boulders five times when I could have sworn I wasn’t in them I went and googled the fight again. The best advice I read was to treat them like they were twice their size and then I did it on my next attempt.

6. Balance
Item Level: 923
Tries: 3
This was my first repeated challenge, it felt like the Druid toolkit was much better for dealing with the challenge. It also helped I had two great legendaries for the challenge.

7. Enhancement
Item Level: ~920 (918 I think)
Tries: ~5
Another repeat and it was the same as Demonology in that once I got past 4 minutes I did it. Mostly I was motivated to do this one because it was the Doom Hammer.

8. Elemental
Item Level: 925
Tries: ~10
I only did this one because my Shaman was geared, I don’t like the weapon and can’t wait to not use a claw on my Shaman. The challenge was harder than Feral but once I got into the hang of when to use my lightning rod cooldown it wasn’t that hard.

9. Discipline
Item Level: 925
Tries: 3
I hadn’t intended to do any of the other Feltotem challenges but I was really strugling with my Shadow challenge and read online that Discipline was basically a free appearence, so I gave it a go. All I remembered before that was all the Priests complaining they had to do a DPS challenge on a healer.

10. Beast Mastery
Item Level: 911
Tries: 2
Emboldened by Discipline I decided to try Beast Mastery, I was really cross with myself when I died the first time because I hit the wrong button and wasted my heal when I meant to interrupt. Anyway second time around no problem.

11. Survival
Item Level: ~920
Tries: ~10
I really enjoyed this challenge, the way it was designed was really cool. My only issue was never having played Survival and not knowing what I was doing. Eventually I got there though. This was the first of the five challenges I completed in the last week, where I ended up doing one a day.

12. Marksmanship
Item Level: ~915
Tries: 5
I was having a terrible time trying to do the Shadow challenge, at some point I decided to try it on Marksmanship to see if it gave me any new insights. It didn’t other than the hands have too much HP for the Shadow version. I nearly did it in four tries but I ignored the rune because I thought I would finish it in time, I didn’t.

13. Shadow
Item Level: 928
Tries: 26
I know I had terrible haste but I simply couldn’t find gear with it. I tried the surrender to madness methord many times but could never get the boss down to less than 15%. In the end I changed tactic. I popped surrender to madness when I got to the hands but didn’t enter void form until the third hand, doing it this way took me four tries, one of which I was only one or two seconds off killing the boss – I ignored the rune and the demon got me.

14. Retribution
Item Level: ~915
Tries: 32
I decided very last minute to attempt this challenge. My Paladin was effectively a fresh 110 who had just gotten his class mount. I had two sets of weeklies to gear him. I did manage to get two legendaries one of which was from Velen for killing Argus. I never expected any trouble from this challenge having already completed it twice. Needless to say this was the challenge that took the most attempts. The other times I completed this challenge once I got past four minutes I completed it that attempt. I think I got past four minutes about fifteen times. Dying after 9,10 minutes was really soul crushing. I can’t honestly say why I had such trouble with it other than being melee and having to deal with shields in fel pools.

15. Restoration
Item Level: 935
Tries: ~25
I tried this challenge several times over a couple of months without ever really getting anywhere. I once got past phase one and then an ally died during the heal adds phase. So I decided to leave it until I was better geared. After an abysmal two attempts this morning I decided to install more mods. Every video I had seen of this challenge used addons which showed your allies buffs etc and better name plates. After doing that my experience improved massively, out of the seven remaining goes, four times I got past phase one, I lost once more on the add phase and then finally the final boss took me three goes. Kind of sad it just took a better interface to clear the challenge but I’m just glad I finally cleared it.


Games of the Week (2nd July – 8th July)

World of Warcraft
Still haven’t done Silithus on my main. I completed two mage towers this week, neither were the ones I set out to do. I completed Discipline and Beast Mastery, I hadn’t intended to do them as I didn’t overly like the weapons but both my Priest and Hunter (though slightly less) were geared-ish. Discipline took three goes and Beast Master took two, almost embaressed the grief this challenge caused me way back when I did it on Destruction.

West of Loathing
I discovered a whole new crown I didn’t know existed this run, made of teeth. Despite going full Necro I didn’t give up my crown. I wanted to actually play through the train bit which I hadn’t done since my original run of the game. Anyway had a blast, if you haven’t check this game out, you should.

Dragon Quest Builders
I only played a little this week but I unlocked the next teleportal and built the basic walls all around my castle. I hope the Dragon Lord doesn’t wreck it too bad. I still remember the Golem jumping through my high rise flats right at the start of the fight.

Other Games
League of Legends
Guild Wars 2

Games of the Week (25th June -1st July)

World of Warcraft
I completed the elemental challenge on Shaman, slightly harder than the Druid version of the challenge. I’ve started gearing my Priest now that I’m done with Shaman (unless I decide to go for restoration). Otherwise I ran every alt I’m working on through Silithus but not yet my main.

West of Loathing
I don’t remember this game being this hard but maybe I’m just out of practice and failing to remember how to level Gary up certainly didn’t help. There is so much I’ve forgotten and I’m still having a blast replaying it.

Final Fantasy V
Well thanks to the Chemist, Omega and Shinryu weren’t too much trouble and I cleared my fiesta run for the year. Then I came across a mod for FFV ( ) which I wanted to try, while I disagree with a few of the changes it did make for the most interesting and varied first world play through I’ve ever had.

Warcraft 3
So it’s been a while but I picked up the campaign mode again and cleared the sentinal story and then made a start on the alliance story. Not sure I recognised the broken isles but the tomb of sargeras was annoying as ever.

Other Games
League of Legends
Guild Wars 2

Arum Online: MMO Simulator Edition

So I finished a game a few weeks ago, it was for RMN’s birthday event.

It’s essentially a clicker game simulating an MMO set in Arum, I only had eleven hours to make it in but I was quite pleased with how it turned out. You make your character choosing a race and class then you click to explore an area and acquire quests, then you can click to complete quests. All these clicks gives you experience which levels you up, which unlocks dungeons you can click through for more experience.

Eventually you hit the level cap and then begin the clicking again but this time for gear. Depending on how quick you click you might have a short wait for the raids to unlock. Which naturally you click through. The game does have a natural end after two in game years, it shouldn’t take you more than twenty minutes, quicker if you click the date.

Had I have had longer to work on it I would have included more flavour based on your class and maybe expanded it to never end by making it generate random expansions for you to play through. I also very nearly added alts so that you could level up more characters once you got one to the level cap. Anyway the game is what it is, hope you check it out!

Click here to download.