Guild Wars ~ 41/50

Obsidian Armour.png

Guild Wars is a game I have a long history with but needless to say that for many years I’ve only played it sporadically (and pretty much by myself), in burst not usually lasting more than a few weeks. Last year when I dipped back into it I made this Mesmer and finally completed Legendary Defender of Ascalon with him. A couple of months ago I dipped back in and decided to try and finally farm up the rest of the materials for the Obsidian Armour. So I ended up farming a lot of Gifts of the Traveler and selling them (I wish I’d done this years ago).

I was tempted to craft it on my main (a Monk) but these last two years this Mesmer has seen far more playtime and my Monk already has storage panels dedicated to his spare armours. Also I hadn’t crafted a prestige armour for my Mesmer so he received the honour of crafting the most expensive armour I’ve ever crafted. If I keep going with Guild Wars then it’ll be back to zaishen key farming, if I get the Zaishen title then I’ll be at 45/50. Although I will probably also do War in Kryta on my Mesmer which should easily get me two more Oppressor weapons that’ll still leave me short two weapons from the fifteen required to complete that monument.

Anyway just really happy to finally have a set of Obsidian armour.