World of Warcraft Mad World

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With that I’m basically done with WoW until Shadowlands. I ended up levelling my original Druid up to 120 and gearing them up for visions. Guardian Druid was around five to tens times easier than Destruction Warlock, my alt caught up to my main within a couple of weeks. I am seriously considering swapping main for Shadowlands, incase Torghast ends up being similarly unbalanced between classes and also tank dungeon queues are instant.

At this point in Legion I was still leveling and gearing alts and running the mage tower, BFA at this point just feels empty. The double experience event should be tempting me but it just isn’t, I was considering doing balance of power one more time – the beastmaster artifact looks really cool – but so far I’ve done nothing about it. I still haven’t decided which four characters to take through Shadowlands to cover the four Covenants, it’s likely to be Warlock, Druid, probably Priest and one more.

Kyrian: Priest probably.

Venthyr: Maybe Priest (my Priests are Undead and Void Elf)?

Night Fae: Druid

Necrolords: Warlock (bonus of being Forsaken)

Still I have plenty of time to decide.