Guild Wars 2: Eureka

Legendary mace
But Charr just wanna have fun
Please Insert rainbow

Well fourteen days to go but I managed to sneak in Eureka, that generation three sword might have to wait a while, my bank needs some time to recover. I had to farm the heart of thorns maps again for the airship oil etc, and I’ve ended up with plenty so I could make another second generation legendary without needing to farm anything other than Dragon’s Stand, I really like the warhorn but I don’t use warhorn on any character currently, so most likely I’ll stick with the sword plan unless one of the other generation three weapons looks really cool.

I’ve been watching the streams for End of Dragons and I’m very excited, I just hope it lives up to my expectations. In preparation and to refresh our memories, a friend and I replayed Winds of Change on Guild Wars 1, we did it on hard mode this time (we quit hard mode previously on the Zen Daijun mission we discovered – I had a character who hadn’t started hard mode and he used his original character). There were a couple of tricky missions but for the most part we did most missions first try and any we failed just took a second try with a bit more knowledge. Seeing Mhenlo’s proposal was very amusing, and it was great to unlock the final hero. My friend discussed the idea of doing the elite factions areas on hard mode but I’m not sure if we’ll attempt it or not. I did just finally start the Final Fantasy 7 remake and End of Dragons is now just fourteen days away.

My Zei Ri is sad
The hall of monuments won’t
Accept this hero