Games of the Week (10th September– 16th September)

World of Warcraft
So finally got to try Warfronts, my first one was an awful experience and took forever but I didn’t notice the quest for the 370 gear so I had to do it again. Second time around was much better (I think it might have been the item level requiremet addition) but then the boss bugged and the warfront didn’t end. Thankfully the third time was alright. Slowly working on my reputations through the emissionaries, Honorbound is only about 10k from exhalted, not that I have a burning desire to play a Maghar Orc, I’m more interested in Zandalari and Kul Tiran.

Guild Wars 2
Finally finished season 4 episode 3 of the living world, I really enjoyed it. Joko was genuinely quite funny and his speech at the end of the episode was amazing. I still need to finish levelling the roller beetle masteries but hopefully the upcoming episode will help with that.

Games of the Week (3rd September– 9th September)

World of Warcraft
I tried really hard to try and complete the five different island expeditions this week but I just gave up after continually getting the ones I’d already done over and over. Hopefully the warfront will actually be playable soon. I’ve nearly finished Pathfinder Part 1, next time the Zandalari Empire is up I should finish the diplomat part, I also need to go to three locations on Kul Tiras but that won’t take long.

Other Games
Guild Wars 2
League of Legends

Games of the Week (20h August– 26th August)

World of Warcraft
Just emissionaries while waiting for Honourbound reputation. I haven’t levelled an alliance alt yet because I don’t think I care enough to do two lots of emissionaries yet. With invaisons back on I worked a bit more towards my final class mount, marks of the sentinax was just awful however.

Guild Wars 2
Wow, birthday presents are already upto level 60 scrolls. Other than that I just logged in for my dailies.

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
I played the first chapter, I vaguely remember what happens from the lets play years ago but I feel like I’ve forgotten enough that I want to refresh my memory.

Games of the Week (13th August– 19th August)

World of Warcraft
I suceeded in hitting 110 before BFA but couldn’t with the time gated mission table clear the class hall until the next day. So once I felt I’d done enough on my Warlock I swapped over and finished off the class hall and unlocked my feat of strength. I then got a horrible shock with the disabling of invaisons meaning I couldn’t go on and unlock my class mount. It took me two days on my Warlock to hit the level cap and complete the three starting zones, I really enjoyed them and was looking forward to the war campaign but then I discovered just how rep-gated it was. So I figured I would try and do all the world quests to speed it up but they take forever. Legion world quests when they first came out were much quicker to complete, I lasted two days before I virtually would only do emissionary quests and boss world quests. Also if Island Expeditions are going to be one of the main things to do this expansion then I’m going to be very bored, they certainly have not lived upto my expectations in terms of fun.

Guild Wars 2
I finished the meta achievement but seriously whose idea was that ridiculous treasure hunt?

Final Fantasy IX
For the first time ever I have Excalibur II, also with the improved movement speed the god-awful chocobo minigame went much quicker. I ended up completing the whole game after I was done with WOW. I had alot of fun revisiting this game, it’s a shame VII and VIII didn’t get any further development with cool new features.

Other Games
League of Legends

Games of the Week (6th August– 12th August)

World of Warcraft
Well Dragonsblight got me to 81, after weeks going from 60-80 it only took two days to go from 80-100, I completed Krasarang Wilds and Kun-Lai Summit which completed my loremaster for that expansions, then I went and finished off those quest lines that I couldn’t solo back on Northrend which got me that loremaster as well. Which leaves me with four Kalimdor zones, three Outland zones and four Cataclysm zones to go for Loremaster (and the new expansion but they’re going to happen naturally). I’m currently sitting at 105 and while I might hit 110 tomorrow I won’t be able to get through the class hall with all the time gating. Ah well I nearly managed it.

Guild Wars 2
One achievement left to go for the meta and I have to track down all 52 (well what’s left of them) sky crystals.

Final Fantasy VIII
Being as there were just a few achievements left I wrapped them up, although one of the achievements was achieved more with rapid fire and a rubber band while I read. One thing I forgot to mention last week was how I’d forgotten how much time Edea spent in the party and then after the Lunatic Pandora she just leaves with no dialogue. Shame she wasn’t a full party member.

Final Fantasy IX
I was going to play FFXV but then I figured with Battle For Azeroth coming out I’d end up stopping mid-game which is usually the death of long rpgs for me. So I ended up deciding to play FF9 and the steam version is great, I love the speed boost. I wasn’t really aiming for Excalibur II but I’m only 15 minutes behind the target time for where I am in the game without trying, so I’m going to give it a go.

Other Games
League of Legends

Games of the Week (30th July – 5th August)

World of Warcraft
I’ve mostly completed Grizzly Hills and Zul’Drak, I’ve got a couple of quest chains left that I simply can not solo. Currently level 74 and hoping Dragonsblight can get me past 80.

Guild Wars 2
Still just working on the festival achievements, beginning to get a bit bored though. I still have the treasure hunts for the sky crystals to do as well.

Final Fantasy VIII
I happened to watch a lot of Brickroad’s current run and then I couldn’t resist. I completed it over four days and had a blast. I vaguely remember not enjoying disc 3 much but I think after this playthrough that disc 2 is probably the weakest. I still love the beginning disc the best. Chocobo world breaks the game even more than playing cards does, I managed to get a disc 2 Doomtrain, which I didn’t even realise was possible until now.

Games of the Week (23rd July – 29th July)

World of Warcraft
Well they finally hotfixed the leveling, I finished Howling Fjord which took me up to 65. So still 15 levels to go and then the final levels go so much quicker. Feeling hopeful I can get it done before BFA launches.

Guild Wars 2
Still haven’t finished mastering the roller beetle, I’ve spent most of my time working through the festival content. It’s nice to see the pavillion back after four years. I’m enjoying the gauntlet much more than I remember.

Octopath Traveler
Didn’t play a lot but found the thief and completed his intro stuff. Just need to decide who to go for next.

Other Games
Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Games of the Week (16th July – 22nd July)

World of Warcraft
Completed a couple more zones on my Mage and currently am at 60. Tanaris and Feralas didn’t quite get me to 60 so I made a start on Howling Fjord, then the patch hit and everything became worse. My fire shield went from taking a few hits to taking one hit and I do even less damage percentage wise. So I took a break from WoW and am hoping it gets fixed.

Octopath Traveler
I chose the apothacary for my main and so far I’m really impressed with the game, I fear it may become a bit too grindy but am loving a lot of the features. In particular I like how BP works in battles.

Other Games
Guild Wars 2

Games of the Week (9th July – 15th July)

World of Warcraft
I think I am finally done with the Mage Tower, I completed an additional five challenges for a total of 15. Tuesday night I decided for some reason that it would be nice to have the Ashbringer challenge appearence – just in case I ever want to play Paladin. My Paladin was basically a 110 who had just gotten his class mount. After some LFR (with not one drop), two sets of weeklies, a few world quests and some emissionaries I managed to scrape some gear together to give it a go. I had beaten the God Queen’s Fury twice before so I expected it to be quite straight forward, it was horrendous. In the end I got into a rhythm of doing one a day. Survival hunter was first, second was Marksmanship although I started out trying for Shadow Priest which I eventually completed the day after. Then I was left with Retribution which I feel like I spent most of saturday doing given that an attempt could last ten minutes. Finally this morning with the help of some new addons I conquered restoration (druid). With the upsetting news that Karazhan is being fixed I also started more seriously levelling my Mage. I went from 40 to 48 doing Felwood and 48 to 51 doing Winterspring. I’ve got until Tuesday night if I want to save hours levelling but I need to get to 71/72 first. I’m not sure if I’ll make it, 50 to 80 is just so slow. It would be great to finally finish my Mage off and get all 12 classes to 110 before BFA but right now it feels like a way off.

Guild Wars 2
I finally did some more of the newest chapter, but not a lot. In more productive news a friend and I completed our roller beetle collections. The roller beetle seems cool and a fun addition to the mounts. Not sure how much I’ll use him but he is really adorable.