Games I’ve been playing this summer

World of Warcraft
While I’m currently just logging in once a week to finish off my Crab mount (1 last weej ti go) I did play a lot of wow over the summer. I finished off Lore Master which felt awesome. I unlocked the Dark Iron Dwarves who are very cool to look at in the character creation screen but I doubt I’ll ever make one. I have seven Proudmore emissaries to complete before I unlock the Kul Tirans. 8.2.5 is out and the war campaign’s end did nothing to inspire me to play more so I guess I have to hope 8.3 is good.

I hadn’t played in a few years but I’m really enjoying the new solo adventures. The plague lords are a cool idea, though the last one didn’t survive very long… I beat him at his full 300HP on the first turn, he never even got a go. The bombastic decks from the VIP tavern are very over powered.

Guild Wars 2
Given the supposed focus on Char and Norn in the upcoming saga I made a new Norn Ranger who so far I am enjoying playing, with mounts the slow walking animation is much less bothersome. I haven’t quite finished the Prologue episode yet but I’ve enjoyed it so far.

This was the HD remaster, while it was fun to blast through it again, time hasn’t done anything to improve that infernal underdome. I started out as Mordecai as I was originally but swapped after playthrough 1 to Roland for a change of pace.

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
I should mention that I virtually always play Borderlands games with a friend, the Pre-Sequel slipped through the cracks though. I had played through by myself in the past but in the build up to Borderlands 3 our plan was to play through the whole series, we never quite reached Borderlands 2 in time sadly. The Pre-Sequel is fun, I played Claptrap for most of our time before swapping to Jack who I hadn’t played before. The skill trees are a lot of fun and varied in Pre-Sequel but I do think there is too much empahasis on stacks.

Borderlands 3
While some things have been improved, I love the diversity and customisability of the Vault Hunters, I like the annointed effects, and customisable vehicles are a joy. However so many other things just really bring the game down, laggy menus being the biggest issue for me. Everytime I open the menu I get exasperated. I’m not so far enjoying the twins as the villains either but I haven’t finished the game yet so there is still time for me to come around to the game.

Links Awakening
This was pretty much how I remember it all those years ago, I started on Friday and finished it on Sunday. It was great fun and I loved revisiting the game, is it worth the price seems to be the question everyone asks. The game is short there is no denying but it is really high quality, if you want a nostalgia kick then you’ll probably already know if it is worth the cost or not. One thing that I am now really hopeful for is Oracle remakes! I would love to revisit Oracle of Ages in similar remake.

Final Fantasy 8
It wasn’t that long ago that I played FF8 on Steam with chocobo world, all I can say is how much I missed having all those over powered items in abundence. The HD models looked great though, shame it didn’t extend to everything else.

Final Fantasy 14
Indrah, another friend and I had a big push and worked through all of Heavensward recently after resubbing, still a long way to go to the current expansion but we’re still chugging away.