WvW Rank 150

Not going to lie, really thought I’d give up long before 150.

After a week filled with WvW I am now rank 150, an increase of 60 in a week, and I still didn’t manage to complete the Skirmish reward track! On the plus side going forward I’ll have that pernament +1 pip. So I should advance though the skirmish reward track quicker. If I was to do as much WvW next week as I played this week then I would be in a position to craft my first legendary armour piece. I am reconsidering my WvW legendary armour plan now that I have an actual idea of how time in WvW it would take.

I also spent a little time in Icebrood Saga areas, I earned three mastery points but I’ll still need another seven to finish all of the Icebrood masteries. I completed the meta achievement for No Quarter in the process. I’m keeping up to date with the seasons of dragons stuff as well. Though having seen the new legendaries I’m more excited about the amulat at the end of it now.

The End of Dragons announcement was alright, I’m excited but not going to lie that I was hoping for a little more. I would have loved to see Ritualist’s return, though I didn’t think it would be, Revenant is so very close in theme and in terms of gameplay its all covered. I would have loved to see another race but at no point did I actually expect one. I’m sure the nine elite specs will be great, as will the new maps. The Icebrood saga consistently delivered great maps and I’m really excited to see what they’ll do with Cantha’s setting. As more the reveals Siege Turtle sounds cool, boats and fishing I’ll wait see. I was always excited about gliding but originally I was against mounts but Arenanet proved me wrong, hopefully the skiffs and fishing will turn out to be really fun. Having seem them tease dragonjade and an Engineer main, I’m guessing we’re getting a Human engineering elite spec this time which focuses on dragonjade, as for how that will play, I don’t know. I’m also guessing it’ll be one of the last announced elite specs being as dragonjade is a new feature, though having typed that, maybe I’m wrong and dragonjade will be a mastery track? I guess time will tell.

Guild Wars 2: Legendary Sigil

With the legendary armoury these are probably worth crafting now.

So ironic that the least impressive legendary so far comes with the most fanfare! One sigil down, in theory seven to go, but most likely I’ll do a quick rune first (my alts’ aquabreathers look in dire need). The legendary armour is fairly well implemented, I was impressed with it, it could do with a few minor tweaks e.g. if you equip an item from the legendary armour it could do with automatically picking some stats but I guess that’s what build templates are for. I’m going to try and have another push at WvW, I played enough this morning to finish the Wood tier, which should get me the +1 pip next week during the WvW event, I’m going to try and probably fail to reach world rank 150 as that’ll give a pernament +1 pip, though I’m only at WvW rank 90, so I’ll probably fail. On the plus side, I’m not regretting Vision!

Guild Wars ~ 47/50

To be fair I did do some PvP to earn some of the keys. Not a lot though.

Just one more title down but the Zaishen title counts as my first PvP title, so it’s worth 3 whole points! I’m not going to say the end is in sight because realistically it’s not, I still need to finish vanquishing/cartographing Tyria and Elona and find a few more titles along the way but that was a big one down and many years of chipping away at it.

I vanquished all of Istan (minus one I’d already done), a couple of Kournan maps and a single desolation map while the bonus was still up, next week it’s back to Eye of the North, I still have most of it to work towards, about half the normal mode dungeons, the Shiverpeaks and Tarnished Coast area to cartographer/vanquish, and then the story missions and dungeons again on hard mode. So plenty to choose from, I’m thinking I might try and finish the dungeons as a break from Vanquishing but we’ll see. Probably a long way to go for 48 points.