Guild Wars 2: Aurene’s Fang

Just three legendary variants to unlock so far.

I haven’t blogged in a while, I’m still struggling with long covid and blogging has very much just been one thing too many. Last week I finished my ninth legendary weapon and my first generation three legendary. I went with the sword for the convenience given how many classes can use it, I also didn’t like either of the previous legendary swords.

You might have also noticed in the screenshot I now have luminescent armour, I decided it might look good on my guardian and so I spent a week working on it, worst part was the centaur mission where you play as Caithe. I also almost feel I should now go and finish all the achievements for season 2 episode 3 and 4, then I would have all of the achievements from that season. I’ve kept up with the season 1 releases, I’m hoping the reward for completing everything is an Old Lion’s Arch lobby or a pre-cursor for a legendary aqua breather, but I doubt it.

I’m not sure what my next goal in Guild Wars 2 will be, I feel like I should play more End of Dragons, a bit late to do a review now but it was a great expansion. I need one more achievement in act 5 to complete the meta achievements for those chapters, I think I finished the meta for Shing Jea but still needed to work on the other three maps. It would probably help my bank recover from legendary crafting.

A Stolen Love and the Forgotten Promise

Our best game yet!

It’s been a while but Indrah and I have released a new game – A Stolen Love and the Forgotten Promise. It was made for the IGMC which wrapped up a few days ago.

So for this game I made a simple skill tree system where the active tree gives a passive effect e.g. raises your chance to get a critical hit. I paired it with my publically available passive skill plugin, I think they complemented each other well.

My favourite skill.

“After much preparation and negotiation, you have finally been allowed to marry your lover, Ezra.

However the ceremony is rudely interrupted by Lilith, the archdemon of rebirth – who your grandmother defeated 50 years ago. Now in human form, Lilith kidnaps Ezra, claiming they made a promise to be together in a past life.

Of course, you are having absolutely none of it, so you (a berserker), your best friend Alex (a court mage) and sister-in-law Eva (a paladin) set out to chase down Lilith and rescue you spouse-to-be.

A breezy and lighthearted romp through 4 short areas (gameplay around 2 hours).

Both the main character and their marriage partner’s gender are decided by you. Enjoy the love story you want to play.”

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