Guild Wars 2: Legendary Armour Stock Take

Ok so I just hit 72 Amalgamated Kryptis Essences which always appeared to be the biggest part of the grind to me. So it’s stock take time, I have 31 days if I wanted to get Obsidian Armour day one of the next patch, would be nice but probably won’t quite happen. I still haven’t even decided which weight class to go for. My main has been Engineer since the beginning but Ranger and Thief are some of my least played alts, I also have about five ascended armour sets for medium armour, where as I play all my light armour alts at various times, but from the teasor I like the appearence of the heavy armour the most and I regularly play my Guardian and Revenant alts, on the flip side the raid legendary armour I like best is also the heavy one. Anyway stock take!

Primary ComponentSecondary ComponentAmount / ProgressNotes
Gift of Mighty/Magical ProsperityGift of Craftsmanship6/6I have plenty of Provisioner Tokens even after crafting the Legendary Sigil
Mystic Clovers1/54This is one of the places where crafting the Legendary Sigil hit me. There will be presumably 20 more clovers in the next refresh of the Astral Armoury, So I need to get 33 clovers.
Gift of Condensed Might/Magic0/6This was 2/6 and nearly up to 4/6 but again the Legendary Rune.
Gift of Research3/6I have about half the research notes I need and am aproaching my 4th stack of luck.
Gift of ExpertiseAmalgamated Kryptis Essences72/72Months of work but done!
Eldritch Scroll6/6I did have a period of low spirit shards but I think the Aurene Sword varients were to blame.
Obsidian Shards300/300Technically I haven’t converted the currencies but I have an abundence of currencies I can convert into shards.
Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy6/6Strictly again I don’t have them but I will just salvage an ascended armour set of the weight I decide on.
Gift of Stormy SkiesGift of the Astral Ward0/6I need to do some more map completions.
2/6 on Skywatch
1/6 on Amnytas
As for the currencies I have plenty of them all except for Unusual Coins, I need to go alt parking.
Case of Captured Lightning11/30I do have enough spare Static Charges that I could buy another 6 but if I’m going to have to do the metas then it’s not much trouble to do one more.
Pouch of Stardust8/30The only one I don’t have spare map currency for. Prior to convergences I did try and do the metas but convergences seemed to take priority for me.
Clot of Congealed Screams12/30I feel like I should prioritise this one incase the meta gets extended. I have enough gasps to buy another 8 though if it comes to it.
Arcanum of Astral ArmorAstral ArmourAll six are on 3/4Completely up to date, just need the final items.
Really hoping they don’t take Amalgamated Kryptis Essences…

February 11th Update

I am really sick of waiting for Lyhr to open a door.

Nearly everything is done now, I still need just under 300 unusual coins, and then 10-14 of the 250 map currency/meta reward items. I should have everything ready for the patch day, though it’s unrealistic to imagine I’d be able to complete the whole of the legendary armour on the first day, what with 6 map completions and whatever the new armour’s requirements are, though I do have six spare amalgated kryptis essences just in case. The end is in sight!

February 26th Update

Ok, unusual coins done, cases of captured lightning done, clots of congealed screams done… Two pouches of stardust to go, though I have 2000 pinches of stardust. As I said before, I doubt I’ll be able to complete the six map completions and unlock the pre-cursors in a day, if I do then I will exchange the star dust. Following the preview of the armour I’ve decided to go with medium, I think it looks the best and it just feels right.

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