Games of the Week (18th June -24th June)

World of Warcraft
Another mage tower done, I did the Enhancement Shaman challenge, way easier even at the lower item level than when I did it on Demonology. I was really busy at the weekend so I didn’t get around to doing much else in the way of challenges.

Darkest Dungeon
I bought this game ages ago and played ~7 weeks of in game time before I put it down before. This time I’ve got much further already, still loving the Plague Doctor.

West of Loathing
I bought the switch version as soon as it was released, I have completed it ~10 times on pc but I’m having a blast all over again, Mysticality classes have always been my favourite so I’ve gone Beanslinger with the intent of mastering Nex-Mex (I think).

Final Fantasy V
The four job fiesta has been much kinder to me this year, last year I got Summoner, two Berserkers and Dancer, which was a challenge. This year I got Knight, Red Mage, Geomancer and Chemist, Chemist is horrendously broken and has carried in a few tight spots. I’m in the third world and have six of the sealed weapons, I don’t need anymore so I’ll head to the finale soon, just need to stock up on some turtle shells and dark matter.

Other Games
League of Legends
Guild Wars 2

Games of the Week (4th June-10th June)

Guardians of the Galaxy
I played the first chapter a long time ago but finally got around to playing through the other four. I enjoyed it and even felt like my choices mattered slightly more than usual for a Telltale game perhaps because characters weren’t being killed they didn’t become irrelevant to the story after a major choice. I didn’t really understand my ending stats, Gamora was the highest and Rocket was the lowest but besides Thanos’s body I sided with Rocket nearly all the time. I chose to keep the forge – I was leaning strongly to destroying it but had read somewhere that the story was more interesting with it. In the end I used it to revive Nebula being as she had died fighting with us, although I was extremely tempted to revive Lylah for Rocket. I should probably catch up with the walking dead next as I’m a whole season behind.

Other Games
League of Legends
Destiny 2
World of Warcraft
Guild Wars 2

Games of the Week (28th May-3rd June)

Guild Wars
I managed to complete all of prophecies this week, I unlocked the protector title as well which might come in hany in the future. Otherwise I didn’t get much else done due to desperately trying to finish the contest on RMN.

World of Warcraft
I had intended to do the restoration mage tower but I kept getting the nagging feeling that I would never use the staff where as the Feral chellenge would unlock an actual transformation. I hope that in Battle for Azeroth we can use the transformations regardless of spec. So I tried the feral challenge, it took me six tries, after the fifth time of dying to the boulders I googled the challenge and found out the boulders have a much bigger hit box than they seem, after focusing on giving the boulders plenty of space I managed it. Then I decided to try the Balance one being as I’d done it before on affliction, took me three goes, it was much easier on balance, or maybe it was just I’d had much more practice. Anyway two more mage towers done. I also did a single level on my Mage who I’m really not enjoying but really would like to finish before Legion ends.

Destiny 2
Blame the humble monthly, for £9 I thought I’d try it. So far I’ve played the intro and done a single mission with my friends. It seems alright so far.

Other Games
League of Legends
Guild Wars 2