Games of the Week (25th December-31st December)

World of Warcraft
Not much but I finally got around to completing the deaths of Chromie.

League of Legends
As much as I enjoy ARURF I wouldn’t mind occaisonly getting to choose my characters just it has been all random everytime URF has come up this year.

Guild Wars 2
Played with some friends we finished up the last episode of the living world season 3 and then we completed a few jumping puzzles.

Divinity Original Sin 2
So with the multiplayer game seemingly on hiatus I decided to start my own solo adventure and do lone wolf. Had a great time but I didn’t exhaust all the side quests so that there would still be new stuff for me to find on other playthroughs. Reading around it seems like the companion quests add quite a lot to the game and I completely ignored them. I ended up doing a deal with the devil for my ending, mostly by mistake. Really good game if you’re on the fence about it. Almost can’t wait to play it through again.

Dragon Age Inquisition
I got sucked into Divinity but did get a bit further, ready to do the Templar mission now and see how Cole is recruited.

Games of the Week (18th December-24th December)

World of Warcraft
Completed the mage tower for affliction, took less tries than destruction (but I am 20 item levels higher), I found the legendary ring earlier this week so I decided to try it when the mage tower was next up. Not really that keen on it but now I have it, maybe it’ll grow on me like the destruction one did. I also got my 2 piece set bonus now from Antorus which is nice. I finally finished the reputation for Chromie off, I wish I realised about the mammoths sooner. I’m hoping to get my Hunter up before 7.3.5 which is weird given that it’ll probably be more fun afterwards but also take longer. Hoping it won’t be too long before BFA pre-orders.

Warcraft III
Couple of multiplayer games but the computer on normal is always so co-ordinated 2 on 2 so lost them all.

Guild Wars 2
Played a bit on my Thief, unlocked Deadeye, not much else.

Mass Effect Andromeda
Finally resumed it but mostly because I wanted to uninstall it. So I played through what was left of the story, and then uninstalled it. I think everyone else has already said enough about what was wrong with ME:A but I just found it charmless and really didn’t end up caring about the characters at all.

Dragon Age Inquisition
I played this before when it came out but on Xbox 360 so I never got to do the final dlcs, so I’m just going to work towards that and do it by siding with the templars this time. Haven’t yet left the Hinterlands.



Games of the Week (11th December-17th December)

Been really busy, I am never doing something as complicating as making a game for my secret santa at work ever again.

World of Warcraft
I completed Zangamarsh on my Hunter, started the mountains but might be a while. I was trying harder on Druid this week as I was feeling sorry him as he still had no legendaries, on Monday I had tremendous luck with him and found two, both being top legendaries. I also completed my final legion archeology rare after waiting nearly six months after I got my dates wrong last time. Merry Maker is nearly done just need the present from the 25th and then another world event bites the dust.

Warcraft III
I have completed reign of chais, both Orc and Night Elf campaigns, did the final mission really have to be 45 minutes? It has been fun but Furion was a bit strange.

Hopefully I can catch up on some games over the holidays, 3 more days to go!

Games of the Week (4th December-10th December)

Xenoblade Chronicles 2
I’m still really enjoying this but didn’t play as much this week, I spent a lot of time playing Warcraft games.

World of Warcraft
So this week I unlocked the Monk mount which I didn’t realise talks to you. Sort of cool but not in aww my lovely evil knife talks to me kind of way. I also did a lot on my Hunter, probably 35 levels and four more zones towards loremaster, the Cape of Stranglethorn (poor Bossy – I would have killed all the pirates instead 😥 ), Thausand Needles, Burning Steps and Un’Goro Crater. Now I have just four levels to go before I’ll go to Outland (not going there until I can fly) where hopefully I can tick off another couple of zones. This all also meant that I am done with the Eastern Kingdoms. Given the new mounts on the ptr for the bugs I am wondering if 7.3.5 might come earlier than February, I wasn’t sure whether to do a lightforged Dranei paladin or to just level one while it’s quicker, if the patch comes sooner then I might as well go with the Dranei.

Age of Empires 2
Just multiplayer games which have been fun. Beat the computer on moderate in a team game, all it took was team islands and a lot of walls.

Warcraft III
Finished off the human campaign, Arthus did nothing wrong! Also I completely worked through the Undead campaign which is my preffered race on Warcraft 3.

League of Legends
Why do you never get S-rank on anyone you have at level 5+?

Games of the Week (27th November-3rd December)

One new game.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Probably the last game I’ll be buying this year, I’m about 6-7 hours in and I’m enjoying it all except for the side quests some of which are awful e.g. get 7 confusion weed (or something like that) which requires me to to just keep running around a giant map gathering and hoping it drops – at least until I learnt fast travelling resets all the points. I quite like the partner mechanics just a shame there is a lot of rng trying to find more that you like.

And the rest.

Skyrim (Switch)
I played for about ten minutes, the civil war goes slowly.

World of Warcraft
This week was mostly spent on my Monk who hit 110 today and finished his class hall campaign but still needs to finish earning his class mount. I’m hoping for 7.3.5 to come out the 13th/14th February as that would be eleven weeks which has been the golden number for wow patches and it has Wrath timewalking. With it will be the old world level scaling and *fingers crossed* the first four allied races. Which would fill any content drought for me. I still have Hunter, Mage, Paladin and Warrior to do. I’m working on a Worgan Hunter a bit, the two zones I have left in the eastern kingdoms count towards both lore masters so I shall try and get that done as I level. I’ve made my Hunter alliance as I don’t really like Demon Hunter but would like to unlock the alliance allied races and by the sounds of it I’m going to need to grind reputationt to unlock them.

Guild Wars 2
A great first episode to the new living world season, it really cashed in on the nostalgia, I don’t know why but I assumed we would slowly make our way south to what was Kamadam and Istan through the season but I absolutely loved going straight there. I’m guessing Joko will be the main villain of living world season 4. I was always a little sad we never got to see what they had planned in Guild Wars beyond for Elona but now that Guild Wars 2 has finally got there I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. Also another of our heroes from Guild Wars cropped up this time, and I really enjoyed beating him up.

Age of Empires 2
Just multiplayer games which have been fun.

Warcraft III
Nearly finished the human campaign, I’m up in Northrend, really enjoying it. Might try and do the last two missions tonight.