Games of the Week (22nd January-28th January)

World of Warcraft
So carrying on from last week I still have no 4 set bonus, did get some duplicates but no upgrades. On my Hunter lots of progress, I gave up on Icecrown because of those few quests and went and did Sholazar Basin, which got me to 80 (so two zones to get from 70 to 80 which was what it took me last time). I chose Pandaria over Cataclysm, I did one level in the Jade Forest before going through Valley of the Four Winds, Townlong Steppes and the Dread Wastes which didn’t quite get me to 90 so I did a couple of quests in another zone, so it took just over three zones to get to 90 which is a big jump from half of Vash’jir and half of Jade Forest though the previous two mentioned zones are a lot bigger so it might not be a fair comparion. I also went back and finished off Icecrown in what is probably the most productive week for Loremaster I’ve ever had. Finally I rounded the week off with the final mage tower challenge on my Warlock – Demonology. I gave it a few tries before, maybe 5 in total. I had read it was largely considered the hardest of the Warlock challenges which kept putting me off but I decided I was going to sit down and do it the next time the mage tower was up. It took me 5 tries this time. Which actually made it my best mage tower in terms of times tried (but again my item level is higher than I when did affliction). If I had to order them I’d put Demonology as the easiest, then Affliction and then Destruction but it’s not really comparable given my item levels were vastly different when I did them.

Guild Wars 2
A couple of friend got Path of Fire so we set out, we’re roughly two thirds through the first map. I chose my Mesmer to play through it with them. I really must finish the legendary bounties to get a couple of funery weapons while people still do bounties. I’ll probably finish my Raven Staff as it’s nearly done and then I’m not sure about more legendaries, I did like the Axe and it would look good on my Firebrand but I’m not sure I’m active enough anymore to finish a fifth legendary.

Finished the game I started last week but it didn’t go on long enough for a crisis, I wish there was a setting for when crisis’s could occur.

League of Legends
Again just a few games.

Games of the Week (15th January-21th January)

World of Warcraft
So I finished Antorus still no four piece bonus, not that it really matters. On my Hunter I’ve done nearly all of Icecrown though I’ve hit a couple of quests I simply can not solo with the new scaling both reccomend five people, I have managed to solo several five people quests but the mechanics in these two particular quests just make them that bit too hard. I have seen a few anomalies e.g. weak enemies with the minimal frame being stronger as regular enemies but on the whole it feels good, though dungeon are perhaps just a tad too slow or unrewarding (I don’t mind which, either they should give a better reward for the effort or they should be slightly quicker). The biggest improvement has to be though that I am having fun levelling by questing rather than it being a grind.

I’m halfway through a game, I wish there was a way though to speed up the end game crisis, it always seems to take forever.

League of Legends
Just a few games but I finally got an S on Kled (post level 5) which was nice even though we lost the game really badly. Now I just need another one.

Games of the Week (8th January-14th January)

World of Warcraft
After last week dissapointing me with set items, I found another two but sadly one was a duplicate, so still no 4 piece bonus. If it wasn’t for the paragon mounts I’m not sure I’d play my main for much more this expansion, being as he has nearly everything done that I’m going to do. Also I have plenty of alts to finish gearing for the mage tower, I really should make a list of the challenges I want to do. As for my hunter I need to do six more quests to finish Blazeridge Mountains which I’ll do tomorrow as I’m expecting 7.3.5 to land Tuesday and it changes the lore master achievements.

I really didn’t play much this week with being back at work, reading a couple of books and starting work on a new project with Indrah, more news on it soon when I have anything other than code and database screens to show.

Games of the Week (1st January-7th January)

World of Warcraft
Quiet week, started working on some of the transmog achievements I haven’t got yet. Did around half of Blazeridge Mountains on my hunter, with the confirmation that my horde reputation achievements will count for unlocking the alliance allied races I guess I slowed down with him.

ARK Survival Evolved
Some of my friends started playing it again so I joined them. Thankfully we just left the freezing area where even forty levels later the cold would still occaisonly kill me if I was too far away from the base when a blizzard hit. We’ve just made some tree platforms to build on which is new to us, though I wish the platforms were just a bit bigger.

Guild Wars 2
Lots of jumping puzzles, well four or five I think, all I know is that I only have four left in the achievement section for them. I thought there was an achievement/title for doing them all, but I can’t see any sign of it.

Dragon Age Inquisition
Templar mission done, I don’t really remember the mages mission so I can’t say which was better. Had I not known in advance that I would still be fighting Templars despite siding with them I would be quite dissapointed. I guess it remains the problem with games offering story choices.