Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta

I could have just sang to him but where’s the fun in that?

So I just finished up my FJF run of FFV for this year. Was a very easy run, doubly so because I was playing a version of FFV that rebalances the game a bit and allows you to choose three commands or passives as opposed to the usual one. It also gives Summoner Call at level two, which meant free Summons for everyone virtually all game, it was nice to actually use call at a point in the game where it was helpful, usually by the time you get it, it’s barely worth using. Oracle was weird but fun to use, by the end of the game it was extremely powerful. Time Mage was a class I hadn’t had before, I never truly appreciated how strong Quick was was before also. It also gave me my weirdest Omega strategy to date – quickslip. If you’re not familar, if an enemy is put in the hp slip state (might need to be from your first quick action) and you don’t take your second action then the enemy will slowly die and no one will do anything because it is waiting for your second quick action. I did reroll Geomancer, I feel I’ve experienced Geomancer enough.

Year Rule Result Job Job Job Job
2014 Normal Triple Crown Black Mage Red Mage Bard Samurai
2014 Normal Triple Crown Blue Mage Mystic Knight Geomancer Dancer
2016 Chaos Finished Berserker Summoner Dancer Berserker
2018 Normal Triple Crown Knight Red Mage Geomancer Chemist
2019 Advance Did not complete Knight Chemist Dragoon Cannoneer
2020 Advance Triple Crown Time Mage Summoner Bard Oracle

Final Fantasy V still has one of the best job systems in any game I’ve played to date. It still has a few issues, besides Mime you’re really restricted in actually using all the abilities you’ve learnt along the way. I kind of feel like a better iteration of the job system would be allowing you to equip multiple passive skills without having to give up command slots. Maybe similar to how Final Fantasy IX handles passive skills. Also maybe after mastering a job, it could let you change the attack and item commands? Lots of possibilities. I have always wanted to make an rpg with a job system, maybe with MZ coming out in just over a week, I finally get around to it. Fingers crossed!