Games of the Week (23rd April-29th April)

World of Warcraft
After a slightly lackluster week last week, I managed quite a few things this week, both my Warrior’s and Hunter’s order halls are done and additionally I now have their class mounts, the Hunters’ class mounts are some of my favourite which almost makes up for probably the worst order hall campaign. It also leaves me with just my Mage to do now. Speaking on my Mage I levelled another five levels which still leaves a long way to go. Then onto the main thing I accomplished this week, as you can see below I finally managed to complete the Mage Tower as Guardian, counting my couple of previous attempts it probably took me 20ish tries. Most of my deaths came to the Nether Horrors whom I struggled to get into a good pattern of consistently killing them before they hurt me too much. Anyway I’m super thrilled with my new bear form, hopefully I’ll get some use out of it I’m still undecided if I want to make Zandalari or Kul Tiran druid, I’m still leaning somewhat to Zandalari shaman but time will tell. I would like to complete each of the Mage Tower challenges once each but I’m not sure about closing the eye as other than Hunter (whom won’t be melee) I don’t really play any of those alts anymore as I’ve found other classes I enjoy more. Being as my druid is geared I might try to do the feral and restoration challenges, which will just leave closing the eye.

Guild Wars 2
Now I’m upto the final collection for Astralaria, would have been done a lot sooner but the Mega Destroyer was bugged for days. I’m also nearly done with the meta from a bug in the system, which would be good as I almost never finish them before the next chapter.

Pulsar Lost Colony
I thought this looked terrible but one of my friends gifted me a copy and I was completely wrong, in multiplayer it’s a great game, so far I’ve settled into the role of science offiicer and it’s a lot like what you imagine role playing star trek to be like, I’m filled with optimism for the future of the game and am looking forward to seeing what they add in the future.

Other Games
Dragon Quest Monster Terry’s Wonderland

Games of the Week (16th April-22nd April)

World of Warcraft
Clearly I was a bit optimistic last week, both my Hunter and Warrior are virtually done with the order hall campaign both are waiting on their final round of mission table missions before their final missions. Definitely feel the worst bits of the campaigns are where it stalls for mission tables (and dungeons).

Guild Wars 2
I’ve finished the gift of battle reward track and have just started the third collection for Astralia. With Super Adventure Box finishing it leaves me time to do other things which was going to be working on the most recent living world episode as I’m still a bit off the mastery reward but then the double experience weekend was announced, me and a friend finished levelling our most recent alts which was around 40 levels and then ran them through Path of Fire’s hero challenges to unlock our chosen elite specicialisations. Scourge seems to be a lot of fun so far.

Other Games
Dragon Quest Monster Terry’s Wonderland

Games of the Week (9th April-15th April)

World of Warcraft
My Hunter hit 110 and I decided to just buy the level up for Warrior. Both are working their way through the order hall story and the legionfall campaign, hopefully I can finish both of them this week and then all I have left to finish is my Mage.

Guild Wars 2
I managed to complete the final level of tribulation mode, not sure which was harder World 2 Zone 2 or World 2 Zone 3. I redid World 1 tribulation mode a few times, I might try and finish the Frog King weapons next year, we’ll see. I’m working on Astralia and so far I’ve nearly finished the gift of battle reward track and I’ve farmed my 1000 bandit crests. I still need around 50 geodes and then I should be able to move onto my third collection but there really isn’t any rush as I intend to wait out most of the 77 mystic clovers.

Galactic Civilisations 3
I tried out the new content with Governments, not sure I’m a fan so far but maybe I need to do another game to give it a proper chance.

Dragon Quest VI (DS)
Not much done this week but I did manage to recruit the next character in what was a memorable storyline, sadly it still wasn’t Terry, hoping I’ll meet him soon as he’s one of the main reasons I’m playing through.

Other Games
Dragon Quest Monster Terry’s Wonderland

Dragon Quest Monsters Terry’s Wonderland 3D

DQMTW-01Jamirus was always my favourite, so I was delighted to find a new version.

So I spent a whole week playing through the remake of one of my favourite games from my childhood and I loved it. If you haven’t heard of the game or the series then let me briefly tell you about it. The Dragon Quest Monsters games are a spinoff of Dragon Quest (originally Dragon Warrior years ago). The main series has a lot of recurring monsters who you fight and in the monsters spin offs you can recruit/scout them and then train them, battle them and breed them. This particular game is a remake of the original which was released for the Gameboy. For fans of the series there are a lot of homages to the main series, which you don’t need to play as I had never played any Dragon Quest game before it. As an example you routinely fight against bosses from the older Dragon Quest games and usually their boss room are made to match their original ones. Also to breed some of the boss monsters you could get hints from what you knew about them and the relationships between them e.g. to make the third game’s final boss you breed the final bosses of the first two games. To make the final boss of Dragon Quest VI’s second form you have to breed the first form with one of it’s underlings. However my enjoyment was never happened without knowing any of this at the time.

DQMTW-02Breeding was a bit easier this time, Zoma was as far as I got to Dark Drium in the original.

So onto the remake, for the main section of the game the plot remains unchanged, one night your sister is kidnapped by a monster named Rottney (Warabou in the original) and then you go with another monster called Cottney (Watabou in the original) to a Kingdom called Great Tree which as you can guess is built into a giant tree where you learn that if you win a legendary tournament you can make a wish to get your sister back. From there you compete in the arena to unlock travellers’ gates which take you through randomised dungeons filled with monsters to fight and recruit. After enough of them you finally get to the final gate before the tournament which is meant to show you your future. Spoilers but you meet your future self who is in Dragon Quest 6 and I’m not quite sure how it all links up yet (I am currently playing through Dragon Quest 6) but you get a nice pep talk and then it’s on to save your sister. After the main game the remake diverges from the original. In the original you had a new set of travellers’ gates which specialise in one particular monster family and ends with usually a final boss (or someone closely related to) of the main series. In the remake other than the dragon gate the others have been reworked a bit, also there is a whole second tournament with as far as I could tell featured original monsters. It did make the second half of the game more interesting than just grinding out the new gates. One especially cool new feature was a gate you could spend gold to enter which would only contain monsters you had already scouted/bred, including eventually the highest rank monsters which makes the very last bit of the end game breeding much more managable.

DQMTW-03Rainhawk is a much better name than Prismatic Peacock.

There were a few moments that threw me as I played which were all where they had made changes e.g. boss order, which bosses join you and the breeding combinations but there had been three dragon quest monsters games in the interim that had evolved the series. One of the big changes is that you can now have upto four monsters (up from three) and that monsters come in various sizes allowing for more varied team compositions, naturally the monsters that take up the space of two or three monsters are stronger, though it’s generally comparable. Party hitting attacks will hit the bigger monsters multiple times, the bigger monsters additionally have more HP and can undertake more actions per turn than the smaller numbers. On the whole it works well. Other changes include skills now belonging to skillsets rather than being standalone, this does mean that you have to make meaningful choices and not do what I did as a child and give every monster HealUsAll and Revive. Additionally when breeding you are given a list of possible offspring to choose from and can clearly see the outcome allowing for more informed choices.

DWM.jpgWhat’s weird is he’s never that blue in any version.

So it’s an amazing remake but is it a good game otherwise? I would like to believe so, I still think it’s accessible if it’s your first game in the series and the gameplay is very solid albeit slightly grindy. Who would enjoy it? Well if you like Pokemon but wished they would talk less then I think you might enjoy this a lot. Otherwise RPG fans, it’s a solid RPG with quite a bit of depth. Now onto the downside, it was never officially released outside of Japan but thankfully there is now a translation, hence why I’m only playing it now almost six years later. It was quite a bit of effort to get to play it but I’m really glad I did, it’s probably the game I have enjoyed most so far this year.

Games of the Week (2nd April-8th April)

World of Warcraft
My Hunter is about half way through Legion, I expected a bit longer before BFA so I might just buy a 110 for the Warrior as I still also have a Mage to finish levelling.

Guild Wars 2
Soo much tribulation mode, I love Super Adventure Box but I should probably be glad it’s just for a couple of weeks. Just World 2 Zone 3 to go. I had noticed a pattern that every level of tribulation mode got easier but then World 2 Zone 2 happened and it’s the worst one so far – by far!

Dragon Quest Monster Terry’s Wonderland
I’ve spent nearly all my down time this week playing this I’ve clocked in around 60 hours and I’ve completed it, including the new post game. On the whole it’s a great remake I just wished they hadn’t messed with a couple of things, mostly the old breeding methods but I realise it is following on from Joker 3. I will try and do a big write up on this game as I really enjoyed every minute.

Dragon Quest VI (DS)
After finishing DQMTW late Saturday I decided I really wanted to play the game that DQMTW was a sort of prequel to. Last time I tried to play it I didn’t get that far. This time I’m determined to at least meet Terry. I’ve got much further this time already. I’ve just unlocked vocations (jobs/classes). I have no idea how long the game is but I feel like the classes were unlocked quite far into the game. I think I felt the same about DQ IX which is the only main series DQ game I have completed but hopefully that will change soon.

Games of the Week (27th March-1st April)

World of Warcraft
So my Hunter is now into Legion, I really enjoyed the quest for Titan Strike, hopefully this is a good sign for the order hall campaign, though I’ve heard most people don’t rate it.

Guild Wars 2
So now I’m the proud owner of Nevermore, sadly I haven’t really used it yet. Most of my staff users are now at the end of jumping puzzles for the daily rewards. My friend wants to make Astralia which I already started on a while ago, he’s nearly caught up; he’s got a few days left on Zinn. So I might at least get it to the pre-cursor stage with him.

Dragon Quest Monster Terry’s Wonderland
The translation is soo good. Dragon Warrior Monsters was one of my favourite games as a child. So far I’m loving the remake, there have been a couple of changes other than the Joker changes, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw Battering Ram (Darkhorn) when I expected a Mad Knight and I’m sure FaceTree came before Big Eye (Curel Eye?). I’ve managed to upgrade my Golem to Gold Golem and Green Dragon to Red Dragon, which is kind of a nice touch – being able to upgrade your early bosses. I’m one Bag O’Laughs from being hopefully able to chain breed out a Snow Bird which was always one of my staples back in the day.

Other Games